How to correct for confirmation bias

Humans suffer from strong confirmation bias. And we google things all the time, often using search queries that are phrased to confirm our existing beliefs. To combat this, I’ve made it a habit to google the opposite:

Considering moving to Germany? Google
“Why I hate living in Germany”

Want to get a dog? Google
“Why I hate having a dog”

Buying an iPhone? Google
“Why Android is better”.

Considering buying your first house? Then google
“Why I regret buying a house” or “The benefits of renting”

It’s that simple. If you want your loved ones to combat confirmation bias, don’t just explain to them what confirmation is. Specifically tell them to google the opposite. This tiny habit helped me 100x more than merely being aware of confirmation bias in general.

Always seek out counterarguments with an open mind.

(No offense meant to Germans, dogs, renters, Android users, etc)

March 1, 2023

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One response to “How to correct for confirmation bias”

  1. Abdul says:

    Thank you for this! I occasionally searched for the opposite point of view, but it’s really helpful. And the search engine bias are also gone by doing this.

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