What I’m doing now

I’ve been making lip balm at home: That means researching and ordering all kinds of ingredients, experimenting, and testing the results of each iteration. I like to increase/decrease an ingredient by 5% at a time and see how the end result feel on my lips. Sometimes when I buy a new ingredient, I cook a tiny batch of lipbalm with just that ingredient (plus a wax to harden it) so that I can experience the new ingredient in isolation and get a better understanding of its texture. Now, many iterations later, I think my recipe is nearing *perfection*. So I’ve shifted my focus towards talking to retailers, designing the packaging, getting a barcode etc.

Where I’m at
I’m back in Bangkok after a trip Kunming, China. I stayed there for a week and it surprassed all my expectations. Kunming is a walkable and quiet megacity.

What Iā€™m currently reading

  • The Education of a Bodybuilder by Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • The Polymath by Waqas Ahmed
  • Many other random books